ML-India is pleased to announce that the seventh ML-India meetup in its Gurgaon chapter was held on 15th January, 2017.
In this meetup, we had a guest speaker, Mr. Janu Verma. Janu is a machine learning and data visualization researcher at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in New York. Janu discussed about the vectorization of textual data and its’ applications in classification problems.
The talk started from the discussion of the traditional methods for vectorization and the motivation of word vector representations. The talk then moved towards the central concept of word2vec and their implementation via convolutional neural networks. Janu also discussed about some of his research work which has won the Data Challenge at International Conference on Health Care Informations and utilizes word2vec for classification of textual messages.
It was an interesting talk and all the members enjoyed the discussion around the motivation, basics and effectiveness of word2vec. The members also had a lot of interesting questions regarding the implementation of word2vec.
The presentation slides from the talk can be found here.
The github organization of the gurgaon meetup has also been setup which has different repos for presentations, scripts and supporting/reading materials.

Looking forward to more interesting meetups in the future. Spread the word to your friends from Gurgaon/Delhi to enroll for the meetups.
Click here to join the group.
If you wish to start a chapter of ML-India in your city, we would be more than happy to help you out and get it started. Write us a mail!